Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yummy In My Tummy Reminds Me of When Food Didn't Matter to Me Much..

     Well I am back again.  Today I went grocery shopping. This will probably be a boring post for you but I am very bored. I was thinking earlier about how when you do meth, alot of times, it's hard to eat afterwards. Thats why you lose so much weight. I remember I used to drink Sunny D and eat anything I was craving, just to have something in me. I would sometimes go 3 or 4 days without eating anything. It was very hard to stay hydrated. One time I even passed out while driving, luckily the person I was with helped me, and got his friend to bring me food right down the road so I could get my blood sugar back up. I have found that while going through withdraws I love to eat noodles, and I ate EVERY 5 minutes. LOL. It's like you gotta catch up on the missed sleep and not eating! I love my sleep and food now. Anyways, Enough for now. I'm gunna go start fixing myself dinner. :) It's kinda lonely ccoking for just yourself, but, ya kinow. I pray for the homeless, addicts on the street that they get shelter and food for the night. Tweakers need love too! :)


P.s. Anyone got any stories or anything they'd like me to post on my blog. Or even anything interesting you've found. E-mail me at :) <3 

1 comment:

  1. When you are sober and have been for awhile do you ever have any trouble sleeping? I mean like sleeping thru the night? I know that when I've been sober for awhile I don't sleep as good or as easily as I did when I was using. Getting that good deep sleep is actually one of the things I missed about using. Strange isn't it? I mean I hated being tired but the deep sleep was just cozy to me for some reason.
