It truely depends on the way you use it. You can smoke it, snort it, and last but not least, shoot it. My first experience with Methamphetamine was truely AMAZING. I snorted a little line on a bathroom sink, and it set my nose on fire. It burned like crazy, I almost cried. Within five minutes of just the little line I was given, I was shaking. It was a rush like I had never felt before. I waited on my friend to get in the car so I could tell him my insight. I really wasn't sure if I should drive or not. I did anyways. Going through the red light, not literally, of course I stopped. I thought it was so pretty! Luckily I didn't have far to drive at all. Little did I know that little white line i snorted through a dollar bill, would change me forever.
Later that night I learned how to smoke it. The jittery, creepy crawler feeling ran through my head. I was so high. It's like a redbull, "It gives you wings". I'm totally just kidding. I felt so beautiful, and confused. I was raised better than this I thought, but oh well. Every one of us in the little room were having a blast. I wasn't the only first time user there. So I didn't feel so alone in not knowing what to do. We laughed, we got high. I thought it was just for that one night. But that was only my beginning in the world of Methamphetamine. Tomarrow was another day.
Needles. Most people are queezy at the sight of them. You'd think you'd need a nursing license to even get your hands on one. Boy is that wrong. They are EVERYWHERE. On day two of my Methamphetamine journey, I was introduced to "Shooting up."
I watched as he put a little tiny chunk of the white powder in a spoon, and then drenched it with a little water. It dissappeared. How cool was that?!? He broke off a filter from a cigarette, and put it on the end of the needle, and sucked up what was about to be introduced to my vein into the little syringe. Meth and I, Were about to crosss some boundaries I had swore to never cross.
I'm a girl. I have extremely hard to see veins. After a few pokes and prods he finally hit one. He pulled back as I watched my blood mix into the syringe and fill it up. He got me. As he pushed the plunger in I felt my heart rate go flying. I was flying. I was bouncing. It was an amazing rush, so fast, so dangerous! Yet I was FEARLESS. I stayed up all night bouncing off the walls. I remember I smoked 9 cigarettes that night just for the hell of it. How could I have missed out on such an amazing thing for so long? I was hooked...and there was nothing I could do about it.
So you see, this is just a preview of my journey with Meth. This just tells the good things and not the bad. Please readers, Don't stop reading my journey now. In the end, this blog, may save someone you loves life. Feel free to ask questions and leave comments.
Are you a meth user? Let me publish your story. Got questions or answers? Let me know. Want to make a comment? Please Do. Please feel free to publish on this site. My email address is :) Messages welcome there too.
Just a Tweaker You Say,
ReplyDeleteHey there! I had to check out your sight since you gave me such kudos on mine! I really like the layout of your blog - especially the entry page. Very nice looking. I will also recommend to you the free statistics analyzer that I use which is at It's REALLY great - much more detail about your readers and visitors than is offered by just the stats. Took me a while to find it but it's pretty awesome and best of all, free.
Also, I'll mention that now YOU have inspired ME. I'm going to share my first meth story as well. That's a great idea that apparently I'm going to copy from you lol! But really, I was surprised to hear that you slammed dope your second day using! That's pretty crazy! When I first started I would've been scared to death to do something that drastic. All right - well keep in touch and good luck with life, love and everything else!
Random Girl
(and now for the shameless plug to my own blog: )
I'm really glad you liked it! :) I'm glad I have inspired you, haha. You can take any ideas you get from my anytime you want too... :)